The Bashoswap Frontend development team has successfully deployed Bashoswap website landing page and swap platform into multiple GitHub repos.
This would make it easier for pieces of the repositories can eventually be open to the public to make it easy to deploy commits and updates without any website downtime using Cloudflare developer pages.
We will soon have ready a very sweet end to end demo prototype that we can’t wait to show our early adopters (Private Sale Participants).
We will spend the new week cleaning up the frontend code.
The Dev team is now working on the API gateways that would develop a flow for our validators and also prototyping out code that builds the swap transaction.
Bashoswap also added two highly experienced Haskell and Plutus engineers to our Team to hasten the DEX development and ensure that we stay inline to the Roadmap.
The Bashoswap research team is working on finalizing the Tokenomics and also releasing a more technical version of Bashoswap whitepaper.
The infrastructure team has set up an Alonzo testnet node, and also built out a set of modules for wallet validation in anticipation of our Private Sale.
The wallet Validator would be able to view connected addresses using Nami Wallet to ensure that each private sale participant has the required minimum amount of ADA in their wallet to secure a whitelist spot.
The Development team is Additionally Working on Nami Wallet-Connect, there would be admin endpoints and normal user endpoints all together.
The admins should be able to feed BASH Tokens to the contract address in order to provide rewards for the stakers.
The normal users can then claim, or withdraw.
The Development team is still considering other endpoints that would further incentivize staking in Bash Stake Pools.
Development Milestone
- Start UI button functions
- Connecting Nami wallet
- Finish UI buttons and test Nami wallet connect with a basic transaction
- Build out smart contract.
- Test transaction smart contract with test token
- If tests go well deploy smart contract to mainnet with bash token and connect website Front end
The team tried to implement a lightweight nami-wallet-api but it turned out to be slow, so another route is being taken which is writing code to connect directly to the cardano-serialization-lib-asmjs
Like the lightweight connector it will be able to send transactions. But more importantly the development team can send tokens to a smart contract script address which would perfectly suit our needs.
Right now the team has been able to connect a wallet and list the utxos in that wallet.
Then after will proceed to to run a transaction. Once a transaction can be built and sent.
We should be able to easily send transactions to smart contract script addresses. Then we need to make sure the smart contract is in order before engaging an independent auditor to audit the Codes before going live on the Mainnet.
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